The Cloud Diary Music Project
Twelve scenes were chosen throughout Cloud Diary, between 500 and 2000 words, then sent randomly to musicians who wanted to participate along with a synopsis of the novel.
They were given minimal direction:
“We’d like you to musically or aurally respond to this scene. Your project can be in any genre and of any duration. It can be music you have previously recorded which you feel connects with the mood or texture of the scene, or a piece written in response to the scene itself. Your piece may include text from the scene or reference it directly, but it doesn’t have to.”
The music that began to arrive was overwhelming. From the avant garde to the electronic, from solo guitar to ballads and rock songs. Some chose images from their scene to place in their songs, some actual phrases; others created wordless pieces and sound environments.
Nineteen musicians or bands contributed music to the Cloud Diary Music Project. You can learn about each of them in the Music section of the Cloud Diary website. There you will find production credits, short bios, contact information, and an excerpt from the scene they were given.
Here is a Soundcloud playlist of all the music created for Cloud Diary.